Bliha waterfall and Dabar cave

A scene like from one of the adventure movies

Located only 14 kilometers from the Sanski bridge and with a height of 56 meters, the Bliha waterfall is one of the largest waterfalls in this area, and it is recognizable by the fact that the water breaks off the rock, creating a special and quite unusual sight.

Along with the waterfall, be sure to visit the Dabar cave, which has been proven to have been inhabited in prehistoric times. For all those looking for adventure and exploration of untouched nature, an excellent option for a one-day trip can be a combination of a visit to the Bliha waterfall and the Dabar cave, which are located in close proximity to each other.

The waterfall, which some call i "Flea Jump" due to its beauty and importance, it was placed under protection as a natural monument and is part of the "Blihin Waterfall" nature park. This park, by the way, covers a wider area of this locality, with an area of 50 square kilometers, which really offers a lot.

Bliha is particularly unusual due to the fact that from such a small and narrow river, such a powerful waterfall emerges, which, when it falls, forms a beautiful lake. In the past, the approach to this place was quite impassable, but the road has recently been really nicely arranged, and now you have to walk for about 10 minutes through a beautiful forest to see it. And when you get there, you will be greeted by a scene like from one of the adventure movies.

If you are here during the summer, you can enjoy various sports activities, such as hiking, archery, and even horse riding, and if you visit this nature park with your children in the winter, you will delight them with the opportunity to go sledding, skiing and simply enjoy all the charms of this park.

Text: Rio travel stories

The Bliha Waterfall and the Dabar Cave are located approx. 100 km or 1.30 hours drive from Japodski Island.

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