FAQ - Frequently asked questions

General information and location

We are located in Račić, 14 km from the center of Bihać.

  • By car: Enter "Japodski otoci" in Google Maps.
  • By taxi: The average price of a ride from the bus station in Bihać to the Japod Islands is about 15 KM.

Entrance is charged only during the summer months:

  • May and June: 2 KM
  • July and August: 3 KM
  • September: 2 KM

Guests of accommodation and arranged arrangements do not pay entrance fees. From October to the end of April, entrance is free.

Accommodation and stay

  • Tree houses
  • Transparent domes
  • Glamping tents
  • Modern double and triple rooms in Konak
  • Modern triple rooms in Sojenice
  • Camping area (tent installation)

For more information about accommodation types and reservation conditions, please visit https://www.japodskiotoci.ba/svi-smjestaji/

Yes, a rich buffet breakfast is included for all accommodation guests.

Find all accommodation prices with detailed information at www.japodskiotoci.ba/svi-smjestaji.

Yes, with prior notice.

Wi-Fi and parking are free for all our guests.

Yes, the use of bicycles, kayaks and SUP boards is free for all accommodation guests, while it is available for a fee for other guests.

Of course, we have two campfire locations available to all guests.

Food and restaurant

Yes, we offer delicious homemade food and grilled specialties.

We can prepare vegetarian, vegan and other special requests upon agreement.

Activities and adventures

  • Una river rafting 
  • Una boat ride
  • Rent a kayak
  • Rent a bike
  • Rent a SUP
  • Quad adventures (with an external partner)
  • Nature walks

See the offer of all activities at www.japodskiotoci.ba/dozivi/

  • Stage R1 (Una National Park, Štrbački buk–Japodski otoci): 90 KM/person + 15 KM entrance to Una National Park (duration about 6 hours)
  • Stage R2 (Paradise/Kostela–Grmuša): 80 KM/person (duration about 4-5 hours)

Best a few days before arrival, but you can always call and check last-minute availability.

Reservations and conditions

Simply through the booking system: booking.japodskiotoci.ba,
on Viber/WhatsApp: +387 63 14 14 14 or
via the e-mail address info@japodskiotoci.ba.

Yes, the reservation is confirmed by paying an advance through our booking system.

  • Up to 14 days before arrival: full refund of the advance payment (less bank charges).
  • Within 14 days before arrival: no refunds.

Special arrangements and teambuilding

Of course! We especially recommend the Dome or the Treehouse, with the possibility of a romantic dinner on the ship or breakfast in the room.

Yes, we have special arrangements for teambuilding. For groups over 30 people, live music is on the house.

What to visit nearby?

We have listed the locations and attractions that are worth seeing while you are visiting the Japod Islands at the following link: www.japodskiotoci.ba/istrazi/

For additional questions or special requests, feel free to contact us - we're here to help!

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